Unisa Registration

All Unisa courses
Unisa registration is composed of a number of very important stages to help you secure a place at Unisa. These Unisa registration stages are as follows

1. Choose your Unisa Qualification
2. Choose your course modules
3. Calculate your study fees
4. Confirm your modules
5. Fill in your application form
6. Pay your study fees
7. Registration approval
8. Ready yourself for studies

The first step in registration is confirming or choosing your qualification. In the choose & apply level you would have chosen a qualification, and checked that you met all minimum and qualification-specific admission requirements.

Unisa Courses - Bachelor's Degrees

National Senior Certificate with entry level: degree 
Senior Certificate with matriculation or university admission endorsement (exemption)

Certificate of full or conditional exemption issued by the Matriculation Board of Higher Education South African (HESA) 

National Certificate (vocational) at level 4 with entry level: degree 

If you do not have an exemption certificate, please make contact with Unisa's Access and Matriculation Exemption Office about whether you qualify for any other types of exemption certificates (eg on the grounds of foreign qualifications or post-school qualifications) 

Unisa Courses - Bachelor Technology Degrees

National Senior Certificate with entry level: diploma/degree 

Senior or School Leaving Certificate with or without a matriculation exemption/endorsement, but with at least five subjects on higher and/or standard grade 

Qualify for a certificate of full or conditional exemption issued by the Matriculation Board of Higher Education South Africa (HESA) 

Standard 8 or Grade 10 certificate, be 23 years or older, and have 3 years work experience National Certificate (vocational) at level 4 with entry level: diploma/degre

Each qualification is structured over a defined period, usually between two and four academic years. To achieve your qualification, you will be expected to pass a defined total number of modules. These module choices are specified in the course information. You may not register for more than 120 credits per year and 60 credits per semester. Undergraduate modules usually consist of 12 NQF credits and honours modules usually consist of 24 NQF credits.

Please ensure that your chosen modules do not clash in terms of examination dates. Please check the provisional examination timetable (PDF 1.64Mb)

Note: When you choose your modules, please remember that you will need between 6 and 8 hours per week for semester modules and between 4 and 6 hours per week for year modules. This means that for 3 semester modules you will need an average of 4 hours per day of study time, including one rest day. So choose wisely. Rather choose the number of modules that you know you can successfully pass than take on too many.

It is important to assess the full cost of your studies before confirming your modules for registration.
This cost includes:
  • Unisa study fees
    When registering, you will have to pay a prescribed minimum fee before your registration will be confirmed. This payment must be received by Unisa before the closing date for registration. The remainder of the fees must be paid by the prescribed due dates – please make sure that you meet these payment dates otherwise you will not be allowed to write exams. The fees and closing dates for payments for 2012 are available in step 6.
  • Prescribed books
    Some modules have prescribed books which you will need to purchase for your studies. We suggest that you contact Unisa vospresc@unisa.ac.za before you register to request an advance list of the prescribed books. You will then be able to request a quotation from one of Unisa’s official booksellers. This list is also available under additional registration information.
If you are registering via the web or the self-service terminals at a regional centre, you will be able to choose modules and calculate fees during the registration process. If you are registering by post, at a branch of the South African Post Office or by fax, we suggest that you use the fee tables in step 6 to calculate the fees and minimum payments before you register.

  • My modules do not exceed 60 credits per semester and 120 credits per year.
  • I am sure that I have enough time per week to study for each of my modules (6-8 hours per week for semester modules).
  • I have checked the pre-requisites and comply.
  • I have checked the co-requisites and comply.
  • I have checked the provisional examination timetable and there are no exam clashes for my chosen modules.
  • I have calculated the study fees and I can afford to pay for my studies.
  • I have checked the payment dates and I can meet the payments for my chosen modules.
  • I have contacted Unisa for a list of prescribed books and have received a quotation from the booksellers.
  • I can afford to pay for these books.
5. Complete application form
  • Online via the Unisa website (https://registration.unisa.ac.za)
  • In person at a self-help computer terminal at certain of Unisa's offices
  • Via the post: Registration @ Unisa, PO Box 392, Unisa, 0003
  • At a branch of the South African Post Office (SAPO)
  • By fax: 012 429 4150

Unisa fees

The university will not accept cash or cheques at any of its offices. Cash may, however, still be paid into the university’s bank account, at any Standard Bank branch or at any branch of the South African Post Office.
The government is currently investigating the subsidy for foreign students. Your attention is drawn to the fact that prescribed student fees could increase substantially in th e future. The university reserves the right to charge fees in certain countries in the currency of that country.

Prescribed student fees for 2012

Fees are valid for the 2012 academic year only. Prescribed student fees include registration, examinations (excluding special, sick and supplementary examinations) and admission to discussion classes.
  • Minimum amount payable at the point of registration
    • A minimum amount is payable on registration in respect of each module or paper for which you register.
    • The minimum amount payable on registration is dependent on the number of individual study units for which you register.
    • A minimum initial amount is payable for each module. Students applying for Matriculation Exemption must note that the Matriculation Exemption fee forms part of the minimum fee amount payable.
    • The minimum amount payable on registration will be forfeited should the relevant study unit be cancelled.
    • Note that compulsory miscellaneous fees, where applicable, are also payable on registration. These fees include the levy for students in foreign countries and levies for additional study material. After payment of the initial amount on registration, the outstanding balance must be paid before the relevant dates.
    • All fees must be paid into the correct allocation or else the university will not be able to process your registration.
  • Prescribed student fees
    The levy for students in foreign countries must be paid in addition to the minimum initial payment on registration. A student must be in possession of a student number before registration can be processed or fees paid or deposited into the Standard Bank account. The fees for all fourth-level modules will be charged the same as for honours-level modules.

    Any legal fees that arise due to actions taken by Unisa to collect unpaid student fees will for the account of the student.
Note. Please note that the university no longer banks with Absa Bank. Our new bank is Standard Bank.

You must receive confirmation from Unisa that your registration has been approved.
  • If you submitted your registration at a self-help terminal and paid the minimum fees, your registration may have been finalised immediately.
  • If you registered via the web, post, SAPO or fax, you must receive a notification from Unisa that your registration has been approved.

Frequently asked questions

What must I do if I do not receive a registration confirmation from Unisa even though I have paid my fees and submitted my registration form?
Send an e-mail to study-info@unisa.ac.za indicating that you have not received confirmation of your registration.

My registration has been approved – what now?
If you submitted your registration form and minimum registration fee by the closing date for registrations, Unisa will process your registration and send you a study pack by courier or post, depending on the choice you indicated on your registration form. This study pack will include the my Studies @ Unisa brochure. This brochure will provide you with important orientation and study information, and will help you to plan your studies.

Now that you have submitted your registration form to Unisa, you will need to wait for Unisa to confirm your registration. Use this time to start preparing for your studies at Unisa.
Prepare your study area. Locate a space in your home that is ideal for studying (quiet, enough natural light and well lit at night).
Allocate study time in a year planner. Mark down all the family events you will be expected to attend, school functions for your children and time for relaxation. Include the time that you will be studying as well as additional time that you may need to make up to accommodate events that you will be expected to attend. This will help you identify weeks and months where study time may be compromised and where it needs to be worked in.

Find a mentor. Finding a mentor can be exceptionally rewarding. Find someone who can provide advice on the life challenges you may be facing, act as a sounding board at moments of uncertainty and provide an objective view on resolving conflict that may arise with family or friends as a result of your studies. A mentor should be someone that you respect and admire, and who is able to understand your unique circumstances.

Register on myUnisa. Once you have received confirmation of your registration from Unisa, you do not need to wait for your study material to be posted or couriered to you. You can register on myUnisa and download all the necessary study material for your modules, including the my Studies @ Unisa brochure, your study guides and Tutorial letters 101. This will enable you to begin preparing for your year of study.

myUnisa is a website for Unisa students. It’s a place to
  • find study material
  • submit and track your assignments
  • join discussion forums
  • contact your lecturer
  • read material posted by your lecturer
  • find events relevant for your module
  • check your Unisa financial status
  • update your personal details
  • Unisa also conveys important information here
  • contact Unisa for administrative purposes, like requesting an exam venue change
And much, much more. This is your online study network.