Logotherapy is meaning-centred counselling and psychotherapy based on the principles of living life with a sense of purpose and direction. It is applicable in cases where people have to deal with loss, tragedy, terminal illness and diseases, chronic pain or disablement, or any other stress-provoking situation causing a crisis of meaning in their lives. It is also indicated in many cases of substance abuse, violence and crime, and depressions earmarked by a sense of meaninglessness and despair as a result of a lack of purpose and direction in life. The course is the first of its kind in South Africa and is run in close collaboration with the international body, The Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy in Dallas, Texas.
The course aims at addressing the needs of participants to assist both themselves and also other to find greater quality, meaning and direction in their lives. The course consists of three parts, one aimed at both the lay public and professionals and the other for clinical psychologists, counsellors and others professionals in the helping professions.
- Introduction (distance education) runs over six months and is offered twice a year. It includes a three day workshop. The course involves an intensive study of the principles and applications of Logotherapy and the submission of a compulsory assignment.
- Intermediate section runs over six months and is offered twice a year. It includes a five day practical workshop with the aim of acquiring the skills to use logotherapeutic methods and techniques in therapy and counselling, the presentation of case studies and a two-hour written examination at the end of the workshop.
- Advanced section which includes group supervision for clinical psychologists and counsellors (10 sessions once per month of 180 minutes each to a group of 5 to 10 participants).
Admission requirements
- Introductory Course: Senior Certificate
- Intermediate Course: Successfully completion of Intermediate Course
- Advanced Course: Successfully completion of Introductory and Intermediate Couse
- Train-the-Trainer: Successfully completion of Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced Couse.
For more details please click here
The Centre Manager
Unisa Centre for Applied Psychology
Unisa Centre for Applied Psychology
Tel: +27 (0)12 429 8544/3794
Fax: +27 (0)12 429 6853
E-mail: ucap@unisa.ac.za
Fax: +27 (0)12 429 6853